Read This Article if You Just Want to Be Buff

Many men want to have more muscular bulk to attract a mate, which makes a lot of sense as the significant other wishes to have a mate who is fit. There appears to be much to the idea of the natural selection in the human species. Although many will not admit it, this appears to be part of the evolutionary process of homo sapiens. Still being lean and trim has many other advantages, such as more energy and strength. Not to mention the positive self-confidence which comes with it.

What seems to be very unfortunate about all this is that kids in high school often start taking steroids in order to build their muscles up to look good, without considering the long term effects. Sports encourage athletes to cheat because winning becomes more important than competing. Although the victory may not be as sweet to them knowing that they cheated, they still get all the trappings of the winnings, such as the prize, girls and status.

Unfortunately we are a society which favors beauty over substance and that is not taking anything away from the beautiful people out there, as many of them do have substance, but we should be honoring both together and paying less never mind to those who only care about looking good over inner character. Anyway those are my thoughts however I am more interested in yours today. Think on this.

Lance Winslow