10 Common Symptoms Of Depression

Every year approximately 9.5 per cent of the American population suffers from depression. Depression is a grave illness that affects day to day life and destroys families. It is a disorder that controls the mind and its functions causing loss of appetite, sleeplessness, mood swings, and a deep sense of despair.

The symptoms of depression are varied and the severity changes with time. And, according to experts depression can be an inherited disorder, or caused by life threatening illnesses, or stress. Other causes are certain diseases, medicines, drugs, alcohol, or mental illnesses. Women are seen to experience depression more than men and this is attributed to hormonal swings, menstrual cycle changes, pregnancy, miscarriage, pre-menopause, and post-menopause.

Common symptoms are:

1.An unshakeable sadness, anxiety, or emptiness.

2.Overwhelming hopelessness accompanied by pessimistic feelings.

3.Extreme guilt, feelings of helplessness, and no sense of self worth.

4.Loss of energy, a slowing down of metabolism, and activity levels. Being plagued by constant fatigue.

5.A sense of helplessness along with an increasing inability to focus and indecisiveness.

6. Loss of sound sleep and development of extreme insomnia.

7.Inexplicable weight loss or weight gain. Triggered by loss of appetite or eating binges.

8.Brooding and suicidal inclinations.

9.Irritability, short temper, as well as restlessness.

10.Physical afflictions like headaches, digestive disorders, and chronic pain for no particular reason.

If you experience any of the above along with a marked change in behavior do consult your doctor. He will give you a thorough examination to rule out physical causes for depression as well as any underlying medical problems. Then if required he will recommend that you consult a psychiatrist or psychologist.

Take matters in hand and try and erase negativity from your mind. Cut out from you life terms like exhaustion, worthlessness, and hopelessness. Change your life by setting yourself a few goals. Try and relax, meditate, and enjoy music. Start new activities that absorb your time as well as interests. Go out and meet people and participate in group activities. Avoid the company of negative people. Make up your mind to enjoy a movie, ballgame, family outing, picnic, or trek. Be positive, self confident, and have faith in yourself. Faith is itself a great healer. Decide to change your world for the better. However do follow the doctor?s advice. Treatment can include: anti-depressant medicines, psychotherapy, as well as lifestyle changes. In extreme cases electroconvulsive therapy or light therapy are prescribed.

If your depression escalates or you are suicidal seek help from your family physician or health care provider. Do call a local health department, a community mental health center, or hospital or clinic. Someone will extend a helping hand and talk you through the crisis.

Paul Wilson is a freelance writer for http://www.1888articles.com/depression-articles-888.html, the premier website to find help on Depression Articles including topics on meditation, obesity, beauty, diabetes, fitness equipment, exercise, yoga, weight loss, aerobics cardio and more. He also freelances for the premier Medical Press Release site http://www.1888PressRelease.com/medical-0-27.html

Real Beauty Fitness

Fitness and beauty can be one and the same. Being fit and healthy will automatically make you look better. A healthy inside creates a healthy outside.

Fitness through exercise can help you to maintain a healthy body weight and improve muscle tone.

Our looks reflect the sum total of who we are and how we live, and the best we can do in life is to make the best of what nature has given is, without excuse, apology, or pretense. If we try to live otherwise, we find ourselves acting on a stage with other actors and actresses--great pretenders without real friends, without real lovers, without real relationships.

While we realize that there is such a thing as natural beauty, which is beyond all standards of culture and history in some sense, there are also relative standards of beauty.

We all know about fads, styles, and adornments that are in one season and out the next. This includes cosmetics, hair styles, clothing, and even body weight and size.

These standards may vary from country to country, year to year, or even among different age groups in the same country and year.

For example, full figures are considered the ideal in some historical periods, but slender figures are valued now--at least in Western countries.

The point is that cultural standards change--and we may choose to follow or ignore them--because the cultivation of natural beauty is not dependent upon fads.

In order to get along harmoniously, whether at the level of dating, courtship, or marriage, men and women have to get past physical looks and into the more important qualities that make up human relationships, such as kindness, friendship, and areas of mutual interest.

There is such a thing as a beautiful personality. There can be beauty in the way a person thinks. An attitude or smile can be beautiful. Love is certainly beautiful, and all of life is beautiful when we are in love.

A person is truly beautiful when he or she is healthy. Any disease or illness affects all parts of the body, sometimes for many years before the symptoms are manifested. If the body and mind are not healthy, then a person cannot feel or be truly attractive.

Good health brings a glow to the skin, a ring to the voice, a twinkle to the eye, and a spring to the step that no beauty school can teach.

Learn more at Beauty Fitness.

Ruby Boyd is the owner of a Natural Health and Beauty website that offers information on how to achieve health and beauty fitness goals naturally.

You may contact me at: 3rdsista@bellsouth.net

It's All About Prevention

As a preteen I can remember wading through my mother's magazines ignoring any and everything related to aging. I mean. Why shouldn't I have? I was invincible! But now I'm older and wiser. At the ripe age of twenty-two I've become aware of my immortality.

I know what you might be thinking. Why would someone of this age be at all concerned with aging. It's quite simple actually. Every day I see adults in their 20's and 30's making bad food choices, drinking alcohol excessively, smoking, etc., not giving a second thought to the effect it can have on their bodies. It's only when they reach their 40's, 50's and beyond that they start being concerned with their health, when their skin looks haggard and they start showing signs of illness. Many mistakenly blame these symptoms on the aging process. It's a part of life they say--nature taking it's course. But this couldn't be farther from the truth. The fact of the matter is that all of the abuse you've done to your body over the decades has taken it's toll. The reason why you felt so good during your youth despite the bad habits is because the human body is very resilient, but it can only take so much. Our bodies weren't designed to ingest cheetos and twinkies. These are merely empty calories. They have no nutritional value except to give you calories for energy. Yes. They will keep you alive, but that's about it. I would even go so far as to say that they're man-made poisons, but I don't want to come off sounding dogmatic.

If you're already middle aged and acknowledge the mistakes you've made, there's no reason to despair. Reversing the damage you've done is just as possible as preventing it. You can start by eating whole non-processed foods. This doesn't mean you can't indulge every now and then. Just do it in moderation, and make sure it's every now and then--not every day. Perhaps once or twice a week for one meal. Look into taking supplements such as green food powders, omega fatty acids, colostrum and so forth. Make sure to drink plenty of water to flush out toxins. And get those bowels moving by eating more fiber. (When your colon is stagnant, your body pays for it. Trust me.) Excercise at least 3 times a week and get those heart muscles pumping. Wear sunblock when going outside to protect your skin from the sun's rays. It ages you. And last but not least, try having a positive attitude. You know the old saying. Stress can kill you. And that's not lip service. It's true.

Keep in mind that while it is indeed possible to undo some of the damage that's been done, it's best to prevent these things from happening in the first place. Because for some people it may be too late. So be smart and take care of your body. It will return the favor.

Jennifer Dawson publishes Forever Twenty, a health-related blog dedicated to informing readers how to age gracefully while keeping them up to date with new information and a little commentary on the side.

Best Beauty Tips For A Healthy And Natural Look

'Beauty is skin deep', so goes the good old saying. But, that does not rob the charm of enhancing your looks. So, hey there, beauty conscious, there's just no harm in having some of the best beauty tips up your sleeves. For looking and feeling beautiful is a sign of health and happiness. And in an age where looking good spells confidence and success, it's vital that you have the best beauty tips handy.

Pamper Your Body

The first secret to true beauty is a natural body glow. Try a refreshing exfoliate with a homemade mix of olive oil, sea salt or sugar. Dry brushing your body, preferably with a natural bristle brush before a bath. It helps to stimulate the glands.

A Little Thought for your Eyes, Hands and Feet

-Moisturise your hands and feet regularly. Don't forget to file your nails and apply nail polish.

-Free your eyes of the tired look simply with a spoon. Keep it in the fridge and apply to the eyelids.

-Once you have ensured a healthy body, be in fashion with the best make-up tips.

Magic of Natural Make-Up

The secret of smart make-up is to keep it natural. But often unhygienic and wrong use of make-up causes harm. Here are the best beauty tips to avoid a make-up mess:

-Eye care: To ensure healthy eyes change your mascara every three months, eye shadows every six to twelve months and sharpen your eye pencil regularly

-Mascara basics: To avoid mascara smudging, apply a thin layer to the top lashes only and then use an eyelash brush

-Natural glow: A gel blush or cream gives a more natural look than a powder

-Brow beauty: For a natural look, eyebrows must not look pencil thin. Use a definer for extra volume.

-Eyeliner tips: Use liquid liner instead of a pencil, to avoid smudging in the crease of the lid

-Foundation fashion: While choosing a concealer or foundation, check the shade on the palm side of your wrist. It tells whether the shade would look natural on you.

Haute Hair Tips

A homemade hair pack is better than shampooing. Natural stuff like apple cider vinegar keeps shampoo toxins at bay. The right hairdo makes the correct fashion statement. Always discuss your face shape with your hairdresser, to decide on a style

Do's 'N' Don'ts

Common beauty blunders arise from ignorance. Here are the best beauty tips to be better informed:

- Avoid soap and switch to natural cleansers
- Wash your face often
- Use an eye cream regularly
- Drink lots of water
- Never forget a sunscreen
- Use natural beauty packs

Mind Matters

Last but not the least; you just can't glow unless its heart felt. So, the best beauty tips include doing something you enjoy whenever you can. Always take a break, chat with friends, forget your worries, set your mind free and just watch the wonders.

David Maillie is an alumni of Cornell University and specializes in biochemical synthesis for public, private, and governmental interests and manufactures various skin peels and other for doctors offices and medispas. He can be reached at M.D. Wholesale: http://www.bestskinpeel.com

Laser Skin Enhancements

Ah, the joys of modern technology. Plastic surgery benefits from our advances in technology just like any other industry or medical field. This brings us to the subject of laser skin enhancements.

If you think you might be in need of a procedure to rejuvenate your face and restore your youthful appearance, you might be considering facial plastic surgery. However, for some individuals, surgical intervention is not the proper choice due to medical conditions or the particulars of your situation. In such cases, laser skin enhancements offers corrective solutions not previously available.

A laser skin enhancement is performed by plastic surgeons using advanced laser technology. The laser is strong enough to burn the first layer of dead tissue and a few living cells on the surface of the skin, but does not affect the other layers of skin tissue. The laser also reaches down to the underlying collagen. Instead of removing the collagen, the heat results in a reduction of the collagen. This reduction results in the tightening up of the collagen and skin giving the patient a less wrinkled look. In practical terms, laser skin enhancements give you a bit of a lift and peel at the same time.

A laser enhancement is not the best procedure for all facial concerns. It does not work well on areas such as deep creases in the neck and cheek, creases around the lips and the upper eyelids. For smaller, fine lines and light wrinkles, however, it can be a less invasive choice than surgery. There are many advantages to choosing the laser procedure. There is less recovery time, general anesthesia is generally not necessary, and there is very little blood loss. There are also normally no scars following the procedure.

There are some potential side effects to having laser enhancements as there are with any cosmetic surgery. The recovery takes about ten days during which you can have very sensitive skin with some weeping. During this period, you will see a progression of skin color from red to pink to normal. There can also be a permanent lightening of the area treated, which can be a problem for some dark skin individuals. It is also not recommended for people looking to remove large quantities of skin or who have severe facial damage due to sun or age. If you are such a patient, laser enhancements can help but will not be a total solution.

Laser skin enhancements are a popular alternative to traditional facial surgeries. Make sure to speak with your doctor to find out your options and whether this surgery is appropriate for you.

Ricardo de Silva is with PlasticSurgeonPractices.com - a directory of plastic surgeons. Visit us to read more plastic surgery articles.

Preparing The Canvas

I continually remind my clients of the importance of applying makeup to a clean, fresh face. Cleansing twice a day with a gentle, non-drying cleanser is best. Avoid using soap on your face. Soap has a tendency to strip the skin of its natural oils and leave the skin much too dry. Over drying the skin can lead to many undesirable consequences, like flaking skin, a burning sensation, pre-mature fine lines and wrinkles and even acne in some cases.

The next step is moisturization. However, many women, especially those with oily skin, have a tendency to skip the moisture step. Oil and moisture (hydration) are not the same. Moisture seals the skin and protects it from the environment. It keeps the skin from flaking and chaffing as well as giving the skin a smooth appearance and soft texture necessary for laying your makeup well. It is also a good idea to use a product with an SPF of at least 15 every day of the year.

The next step is eye cream. Although this step is optional, I highly recommend it. The skin around the eyes is delicate. There are very few oil glands there which increases dryness, leaving your concealer or foundation cake-like and crackling. Eye cream deposits moisture to this otherwise barren area, helping to reduce the signs of aging as well as provide a smooth canvas for your makeup.

Occasionally, throughout the year, we may find that our skin needs extra hydration. It is perfectly okay and highly recommended to supplement your every day moisturizer with an extra hydrating cream or lotion. Keeping your skin properly hydrated year round will help you look and feel healthy, radiant and just plain gorgeous.

Have a great day!

Dawn Hull Professional Skin Care Consultant http://www.MaryKay.com/ShopOnline

Sign up to receive a FREE monthly beauty newsletter: Beaut-e-News - Discover what's new, what's now ? what's changing the face of makeup and skin care! You'll find beauty secrets revealed and tips and techniques that will help you look your beautiful best. Click here to register: http://www.marykay.com/PWS/MyMK/Login.aspx?Moniker=SHOPONLINE

5 Insider Beauty Secrets Other Women Don't Want You To Know! (Part 2)

By far one of the most important of our beauty assets is our smile. Who can resist an enigmatic sparkling white smile?

You also can't hide yellow teeth like you can most other physical defects. So you should always be sure your smile is at it's best.

Perfectly straight teeth aren't always necessary either, so if you could never afford braces or retainers don't worry too much.

Some of the most beautiful women I know (and even myself), have never worn braces in their life. And have small imperfections in the straightness of their teeth.

Even some famous actresses have teeth that have obviously never worn braces (think Amber Tamblyn, Kirsten Dunst, Kristin Kreuk).

And yet they still manage to be amazingly beautiful because their teeth are well cared for, and shine like pearls.

So how can you make your smile enviable without spending a fortune at a dentists or on teeth whitening products?

Beauty Secret 4

Whiten and brighten your smile.

For this little beauty secret you use two household items that are rock bottom cheap to buy; Baking Soda, and Peroxide.

Yep, thats how simple it is.

You take the baking soda and peroxide and you make a thick paste out of them. You shouldn't need more than a tablespoon of the paste.

Apply the paste to teeth, and leave on for 5 to 10 minutes every morning and night.

The most effective way to do this, and brighten your smile, is by brushing your teeth with the paste.

Baking soda and peroxide will not only whiten your teeth but clean them too, if you use them in place of toothpaste.

Then just sit back and watch the results!

Your smile will become visibly whiter, and to boot you'll save a bundle on toothpaste, and teeth whiteners.


Don't you always hate it when summer rolls around, and your body is hardly swimsuit or shorts ready?

Or even the rest of the year when it seems impossible to disguise those figure flaws!

Beauty Secret 5

Hide figure flaws and defects.

If you are bigger in the butt and upper thighs than in the hips and waist:

Wear tighter tops to show off your trim upper body, and skirts that taper towards the hemline to disguise your pear shape.

Buy jeans that are a snug fit and are low rise (the low rise will emphasize your small waist and the tightness has a surprisingly slimming effect on legs and butt).

Dresses that end just a little above the knee work nicely for pear figures as they hide bulky upper legs.

The best swimsuits for pear figures tend to be bikini's that have low cut bottoms with a flounce skirt. This draws eyes away from the legs, and minimizes them at the same time.

If you are bigger in the waist and bust, and your butt and thighs are more slender:

Wear shirts that tend to fall from the peak of your breasts downward, to hide a bulky stomach.

Or wear a snug t-shirt with a button up shirt or sweater over it, leaving the buttons unfastened on the shirt or sweater.

Wear shorts and skirts that are short to emphasize your good feature (your legs).

The best swimsuit for women who are big on top and little on bottom is a full piece that is high cut in the hips.

This hides the stomach, and shows of slender legs and buttocks.

If you are an extremely skinny woman all over:

Wear skirts that flounce out and shirts that ruffle to give you a more rounded appearance.

Wear semi loose dresses that are tight only in the right spots.

For instance emphasize a small waist with a dress that is cinched in the middle but flounces out from the hips to give a curvy appearance.

Wear tight jeans, or loose slacks with a pull over sweater, these will both work well for your figure type.

The best swimsuits for skinny women are of course bikinis. Full pieces give slender women a little girl appearance, and are not very attractive.

The bikini's are best if they're high cut in the hips and butt. This flatters a thin woman best by showing off her waist and legs.

Low cut bikini's will also work well with a skinny woman though, if you want to emphasize slender hips.

If you're a large woman all over:

You should go for just slightly loose fitting clothes. Too loose and you'll only make yourself appear bigger.

Wear panty hose to make your legs look slim. Avoid overly tight clothes at all costs, this will make your skin roll, and you'll look larger than ever.

Choose mainly capris and knee length skirts or dresses for summer.

Avoid shorts, mini skirts, or short dresses until you slim down.

The best swimsuit for a full figure is (you guessed it) a full piece, cut low in the hips, and with a skirted bottom.

If you're a curvy woman (also known as an hour glass figure):

You can wear almost anything you choose to and look good; loose slacks, tight jeans, loose shirts, tight shirts, loose skirts, tight skirts, dresses, bikini's, full pieces, etc...

So be proud of your figure and choose your clothes with some taste to best show off your unique shape.

Now that you'e armed with these beauty secrets, go out and put them to use. You'll definitely start to turn heads, and command a respect in people wherever you go.

Because, remember it's not the shape of your body, or face, or the size of your nose or lips or eyes, that denotes beauty.

It's the proud way you carry yourself, and the neatness, and good taste with which you pick your clothes and accessories.

Be sure to read Part 1 of this informative article. In Part 1 I'll teach you the beauty secrets for clearing acne, making your lips soft and kissable, and a few fashion tips every woman should know. Click Here For Part 1 Of Beauty Secrets

Read This Article if You Just Want to Be Buff

Many men want to have more muscular bulk to attract a mate, which makes a lot of sense as the significant other wishes to have a mate who is fit. There appears to be much to the idea of the natural selection in the human species. Although many will not admit it, this appears to be part of the evolutionary process of homo sapiens. Still being lean and trim has many other advantages, such as more energy and strength. Not to mention the positive self-confidence which comes with it.

What seems to be very unfortunate about all this is that kids in high school often start taking steroids in order to build their muscles up to look good, without considering the long term effects. Sports encourage athletes to cheat because winning becomes more important than competing. Although the victory may not be as sweet to them knowing that they cheated, they still get all the trappings of the winnings, such as the prize, girls and status.

Unfortunately we are a society which favors beauty over substance and that is not taking anything away from the beautiful people out there, as many of them do have substance, but we should be honoring both together and paying less never mind to those who only care about looking good over inner character. Anyway those are my thoughts however I am more interested in yours today. Think on this.

Lance Winslow

How To Get Skin Smoothening & Scar Correction

SKIN SMOOTHENING and SCAR TREATMENT can be performed by , ?Silicone crystal rotoabrader? machine utilizing the principle of removing the damaged upper layer of skin and then allowing lower layers to heal giving a glow & smooth appearance to new skin. The technique can be performed without need of any injections or anaesthesia and the patient can go home immediately after the procedure. This technique gently exfoliates the skin to help minimize fine lines and wrinkles, to help reduce the effects of sun damage and acne scarring and to help minimize pore size and other skin imperfections while stimulating the production of new and healthy skin cells. The result is fresher, healthier and younger looking skin with a smooth texture and a silky touch. This technique is beneficial for both young and mature skin and is safe for all skin types. The circular motion of the resurfacing tool works to stimulate blood flow, to enhance facial muscle tone and boost cell reproduction. Depending upon the type & severity of scarring the patient has to attend clinic in three or four sittings. This technique can be combined with other facial treatments to give better results for desiring patients. This method alleviates all the inconveniences due to traditional dermabrasion like pain, bleeding, hospitalization, difference in skin pigmentation and is much more safe & affordable than laser dermabrasion.

This technique is helpful to those suferring from:

?Acne scarring over face.
?Fine wrinkles over face.
?Rough skin texture.
?Pitted facial scars.
?Large blocked skin pores.
?Loss of facial tone & early facial sagging.
?Superficial pigmentory disorders.
?Facial warts & similar growths.

?Institute of Cosmetic & Laser Surgery? has always aimed to bring in the best, safest, scientific and yet affordable latest techniques for the benefit of patients. ?Institute of Cosmetic & Laser Surgery? is committed to making your beauty dream successful.

Such treatments are routinely being carried out at ?Institute of Cosmetic & Laser Surgery? with the help of ?Virtual Cosmetic Laser Surgery with built in Skin ?Scanner? based on, Japanese Technology of miniaturization of Diode Lasers.


Home Remedy For Dry Hair

Dry hair tends to be thin and rough. It is susceptible to tangles, damage, breakage and split ends. We suggest a few remedies you can try at home for managing dry hair.

The primary aim is to replenish the oil and the moisture in the hair. That is why the emphasis is on the conditioning aspect of hair care. Strong cleansing routines and dry toning exercises and massaging of the scalp promote dryness and flakiness of the scalp.

The use of strong-action shampoo is prohibited for dry hair. Often a generous oil application and massage is recommended before washing the hair. Frequent shampooing is harmful for dry hair.

For the moisture-dry hair, a moisturizer application is required.

Home remedy for dry hair: The Gentle Cleanser

1. Beat an egg in a cup of skimmed milk. When the foam becomes consistent, rub it into the scalp. Leave it on for 5 minutes. Rinse the hair thoroughly with water. Carry out this routine twice a week.

2. Take a cup of coconut milk and add two tablespoons of gram flour or one teaspoon of shikakai. Apply on your scalp and hair and massage gently. Rinse it out after five minutes. Follow this recipe at least once a week.

Another dry hair home remedy: The Protein Conditioner Beat one tablespoon of castor oil, one tablespoon of glycerin, a teaspoon of cider vinegar and a teaspoon of protein, plus a tablespoon of mild herbal shampoo. Apply it on scalp and leave it on for 20 minutes. Rinse with clear water.

A Special Massage Oil/Toner

Get a bottle of castor oil or coconut oil. Add a teaspoon of lavender essential oil in it. Heat a little and massage it gently in your scalp at night. Rinse or shampoo it out in the morning. Follow this routine at least twice a week.

Other tips on home based treatment of dry hair

1. First assess whether your scalp and hair are moisture dry or oil-dry.
2. Condition your hair as often as you wash it.
3. Never comb, brush or massage vigorously if the hair is extremely dry.

Before any kind of routine care is followed, be familiar with the needs of your scalp and hair.

Kevin Pederson has been managing a number of natural home remedies websites which have information on home based natural cures and for loss of hair as well as taking care of your dry hair.

The Benefit of Natural Skin Care

Natural skin care is basically skin care product which encompasses natural ingredients. They do not contain any chemical compound thus reducing the possibility of developing irritation or allergic reaction when applied to your skins.

Our skin is one of the most sensitive organs in our body, thus, we should keep it healthy to prevent any skin disease or irritations. There are many skin treatments as well as skin products to help you in maintaining your skins? health.

However, when not carefully picked, the skin care products can cause you some side effects such as allergic, irritations, or even infections. These side effects are cause by the unusual reaction of your skin towards certain chemical materials on the products. Therefore it is recommended to use natural skin care solutions to lessen the risk of getting those side effects.

Natural Skin Treatment

How to treat and pamper your skin naturally? Actually it?s pretty easy. Some vegetables and fruits can do the trick. Your veggies and fruit can be cost effective and healthy.

For instance, you can use peach, carrot, apple, or strawberry for your facial skin care, toner and etc. You can find a lot of prescriptions for these natural skins care available in the internet.

Because of the increasing market demand for natural skin care products, companies have been responsive and produce a wide range of natural skin products, thus giving you plenty of choices to choose from.

Natural skin care products extend widely from facial skin care product to body care products. With the increasing awareness of skin care importance, natural body care products are increasingly popular in the market.

Natural body scrub, whitening essence, shampoo products, hair treatment, and soap are only some of the ever-increasing popular natural body care products. Ingredients are extensive from tropical fruit, shea butter to mineral water and many more.

With this wide range of skin care products, it is easier than ever for you to stay healthy and beautiful yet far from the risk of developing skin allergic or irritations. Isn?t nature wonderful?

Jerrick Foo has been researching and developing all dry skin care the purpose of offering men and women safe, dry skin care tips. He have created Dry Skin Care Guide to share his 10 years of combined expertise with you. Visit http://www.dry-skin-care-guide.com for essential skin care tips.

Vitamins that May Affect Hair Growth

Several different vitamin or mineral deficiencies can cause dry hair. To treat dry hair, try taking a multivitamin with 100 percent of the daily value of the essential vitamins. A multivitamin and mineral combination may provide some added coverage for possible deficiencies.

It's been shown that too little biotin and pantothenic acid (both B-complex vitamins) can lead to dry hair. Shampoos and hair treatment products commonly contain pantothenic acid (or pantothenol).

But evidence supporting the benefits of pantothenic acid for dry hair and hair loss is very weak. Also, some people with hair loss do show low blood levels of biotin. While the evidence isn't strong, it may be worth it to try taking supplements of biotin and pantothenic acid for bothersome hair conditions that are not helped by hair treatment products.

Iron and Zinc also affect hair growth. Iron is an important trace mineral that is found in every cell of the body, including hair, usually combined with protein. Zinc is an essential mineral that is found in almost every cell, including our hair.

It stimulates the activity of approximately 100 enzymes, which are substances that promote biochemical reactions in your body. Zinc supports a healthy immune system, is needed for wound healing, helps maintain your sense of taste and smell, and is needed for DNA synthesis.

Eat right and you will glow from head to toe.

About The Author

Nicole Elizabeth Smith, the author of Healthy Black Hair (2003), is a freelance health and beauty writer and a graduate of Michigan State University. She and her son Zack live in Michigan. Currently, she is beauty editor for www.myhairbook.com.


Surgical Solutions If the Appearance of Your Ears Bothers You

For many people, the appearance of the ears can be something that generates a lot of self-conscious activity. There are surgical solutions that can let you pursue any haircut you want.

Surgical Solutions If the Appearance of Your Ears Bothers You

Big ears. Pointy ears. Ears sticking out to far. Large earlobes. There are a number of complaints people have about their ears of which these are only a few. At first glance, ear enhancements may seem like a very small percentage of all plastic surgical procedures undertaken. This assumption is entirely incorrect.

The appearance of ones ears can be a major issue for each of us. Our ears are located on the focal point, the head, of our body. They are as much a part of the physical impression we give people as our nose. If you catch people glancing at your ears when they speak to you, you know this is the case. Fortunately, surgical solutions exist and are a very popular procedure in the plastic surgery field.

Medically known as Otoplasty, plastic surgeons perform frequent surgeries to enhance the appearance of patient?s ears. Unlike most plastic surgical procedures, the enhancement is not pre-defined. It depends entirely on the condition of the ears and how the patient is bothered by the condition. The most common complaints are the ears are too large or stick out from the side of the head too much. Otoplasty is a method for dealing with both.

Ear surgery is most often done at a younger age. Given the effect on psychological development and the inherent teasing abilities of other children, this is hardly surprising. This psychological impact is so established that otoplasty is one of the few cosmetic surgeries that health insurance may cover. Obviously, you should check with your insurance carrier to see if this is the case in your situation.

Depending on the situation, ear surgery can take a couple of hours or longer. The exact procedure can?t be described because it depends on the specific condition each patient has. That being said, general anesthesia is often used, but the procedure is usually done on an outpatient basis with no hospitalization required. Recover time is usually a week or so and the changes are permanent.

If your ears are a constant source of aggravation, you need not continue to suffer. Ear enhancement is a fairly common procedure and one that can make a major difference to children and adults.

Ricardo de Silva is with PlasticSurgeonPractices.com - a directory of plastic surgeons. Visit us to read more plastic surgery articles.

Facial Modifications with Collagen

Facelifts are on the expensive side, a bit painful and can take months to fully heal. Collagen offers a cheaper alternative that heals quickly and can make a noticeable difference.

Facial Modifications with Collagen

There are many different procedures that plastic surgeons can use to restore and rejuvenate the human face. Facelifts, Botox, brow lifts and many other procedures can all be used to create a more youthful and smooth appearance. Of this group, collagen is undisputedly one of the more popular options for enhancing facial areas.

Collagen is a natural substance produced in the human body that helps to form connective tissue. It also provides hydration and strength for the skin. Collagen is made in less quantity as we age. This reduction results in skin losing its elasticity, softness and tightness. Typical effects include sagging skin, wrinkles on flat plains of the face, as well as deep creases on the forehead and the neck. Both collagen and fat harvested from your own body can be used to plump up these areas that are sagging and creased. Collagen can also be used to plump up thin lips, a personal favorite of many celebrities as you no doubt have noticed!

Collagen is made using collagen harvested from animals, so there is a slight chance that your body may react to it. Also, collagen enhancements are not permanent. You will need to have repeat injections later on to maintain the look that you want. Besides collagen, other materials such as Alloderm and Goretex can be used to create the desired look without any cutting or major surgery. Recovery time is slight and the procedure is much less expensive than traditional surgery. No general anesthesia or operating room is involved. In fact, you can be in and out of most procedures in under an hour.

Side effects from collagen enhancements are rare, but there is always a chance they can occur. Side effects include bruising, swelling and allergic reactions. Some people also have allergic reactions to the local anesthetic used to numb the site. As the materials used are foreign to your body, you should discuss any medications you are taking and things you are allergic to with your plastic surgeon. To avoid reactions, of course, you can always choose to have the material drawn from your own body. Hips and buttocks are the most typical harvesting areas.

With collagen, there is a temptation to shop by price. Don?t! We are talking about modifications to your face. It is strongly suggested that you use a board certified plastic surgeon that can show you before and after pictures of his or her previous patients. This will allow you to understand the possible results and get the best care.

Ricardo de Silva is with PlasticSurgeonPractices.com - a directory of plastic surgeons. Visit us to read more plastic surgery articles.

Hair Extensions

Hair extensions started being used in the 1980s, but because of poor results and high expense, were abandoned until about 5 years ago. Their popularity has been boosted by all the celebrities who now use them.

What are hair extensions? Hair extensions are hairpieces that can be attached to your natural hair or scalp; they enhance the thickness of your hair or the length. There are several kinds, but the most popular ones are
?Strands, small clusters of about 30 pieces of hair
?Wefts, slightly larger curtains of hair, joined at the top and free flowing at the ends. The best wefts are hand-made, not machine-made.
?Braids and dreadlocks, which are pre-wound.

Some are synthetic and some are made of human hair. The natural hair of Caucasians is different from that of Asians or Afro-Caribbeans and you should choose an extension that will match your own hair.

They come in many varieties and can be pre-colored, pre-highlighted or pre-permed with curls or a body wave. Depending on how it was attached, you may need to have your hair extension re-done after 6 or 8 weeks, or it might last up to 4 months. Re-attaching will always be periodically necessary because our natural hair continues to grow, the bonding agent becomes loose, life happens, and you?ll need to re-adjust and refresh your hair?s appearance.

How are hair extensions attached?
?Strands are woven, glued, or clipped to your natural hair. If they?re clipped, you can take them off easily any time. If they?re glued, various bonding agents may be used and care must be taken to protect your scalp and natural hair.
?For wefts, your stylist will make a small corn row or weave in your natural hair, and sew the weft to this weave. This method uses no chemicals.
?Braids are usually woven in with your own hair and again no chemicals are used.

What kind of hair extension would best suit me? That?s a very personal matter and should be decided between you and your stylist. There are extensions for every kind of hair, even thin and baby-fine hair. Your stylist will assess your hair type, discuss how you would like to look and whether it?s possible given your particular circumstances and hair status, and explain alternatives. When an extension is decided upon, she will personally customize it to match your hair, will attach it, explain how she?s doing it, and give you information on how to care for it.

How do I care for my hair extension?
?Hair extensions can be shampooed, styled and brushed the same as your natural hair, but don?t try to alter their color. This should be professionally done.
?The most important thing is to be gentle with it so as to preserve the bond attaching it.
?Use a soft bristle brush and brush out tangles from the bottom ends up towards your head.
?At night, to avoid matting, tie it up or braid it if it?s fairly long, and never sleep with wet or damp hair.
?Avoid using any silicone-based products or conditioners on the extension where it is bonded to your natural hair, as this will make the extension slip off.

Does it hurt to get a hair extension? No, not when it?s properly done. In the first day or two it will feel a little heavy perhaps, and this added weight on your head may feel slightly uncomfortable until you get used to it. The process of attaching it should not hurt at all. If it does, something isn?t right. Sometimes if the cornrow method is being used, the weaving might be done too tightly, pulling too hard on your scalp. This can even cause headaches. But you should not accept this. The weaving doesn?t have to be so tight that it?s painful.

You may come across stories of how a person?s hair was broken, burned, or otherwise damaged by their hair extension. The odds are that this person had it done by an untrained stylist, or one with little experience.

Do your homework

Since the demand for hair extensions is growing, more varieties will become available and research will give us more methods of creating and using them. The hair styling industry is not regulated, so do some checking and reading. Many websites recount personal experiences and have Frequently Asked Question pages.

Choose a stylist with training specifically in hair extensions, and with plenty of experience using them. Ask to speak to other clients who have purchased hair extensions, to hear what their experiences were like.

Please click here for more information regarding hair extensions and other salon treatments in the Sacramento, California area

Holiday Beauty: Make Up and Cosmetics Tips

The holiday season are just around here, so now is the time to assess your beauty and skin-care need. To make sure that your looking and feeling are very best inspiring of your appearance for Christmas activities, events, family get togethers, and New Year's Eve parties.

Make this holiday season for a personal checklist of things you can do, such as getting your hair restyled and makeup updated, so that you will not look like a creature from another era.

Here you will find the beauty, make up and cosmetics tips for your look and feel gorgeous during the holidays and throughout the winter season.

CLEANSING the skin properly, especially the face, is fundamental to good skin care. Oil-based makeup, which is preferred by those with drier complexions, should be removed with oil-based cleansing creams. Never go to bed without removing your makeup and thoroughly cleansing your face.

BEFORE makeup is applied, moisturizer should be applied to the face and neck after thorough cleansing. Moisturizers will keep you looking younger with smoother skin. The best time to apply moisturizer is right after you wash or shower, when the skin is damp and the moisturizer can seal in the moisture.

FOUNDATION is very important to one's overall beauty. Foundation is used to enhance the color of the complexion. Choose a foundation to match your skin tone. Using the right foundation makes your skin look flawless and smooth. Choose the shade closest to your skin tone by testing it on your jaw line. When applying the foundation, be sure to blend it into the hairline and neckline to achieve a consistent tone. Set the foundation by brushing it with loose powder that matches the foundation and the color of your skin.

LIPS especially take a beating during bad weather. A good lipstick will moisturize the lips and shield them from the sun without interfering with the final sheen or finish of the lipstick. Keep your kissers moisturized with vitamin E oil, petroleum jelly or a lip balm or gloss.

NAILS that are beautiful certainly will enhance your overall festive appearance. Our nails are designed to protect the fleshy fingertip and help us manipulate small object. Remove dirt lodged underneath nails. Nails are polished with a buffer. This improves blood circulation and gives nails a shine. Two coats of nail polish and a topcoat later.

MEN should make sure that they always look well-groomed, especially during the holidays. A man should be stylish and elegant in his dressing. If you wear a beard, it should be neatly trimmed. Mustaches should also be trimmed. Trim nails and scrub hands if necessary. Good dental hygiene means a dazzling smile.

The above steps will certainly is one way you can make your holidays happy and bright.

Crista Rose

The Benefits of Discount Salon Equipment

Many suppliers of salon equipment offer products that are labeled as ?discount? for various reasons. Some discounted salon equipment may be a good bargain, but the buyer must always be an educated consumer when purchasing such discounted items.

Discount salon equipment may pertain to both new and used equipment. There are many suppliers that tout the word ?discount? to entice consumers to purchase their products. In an effort to convince the customer that they offer better prices than their competitors, they loosely advertise that they offer ?discount? prices. There are numerous, reputable suppliers that do offer great buys and low prices on quality equipment; however it is extremely important to be a wise consumer and conduct basic product research prior to purchasing discount salon equipment.

Suppliers of discount salon equipment typically offer many different styles and brands of equipment. Large suppliers are often able to offer deep discounts to the customer due to their ability to make bulk purchases directly from the factory. This can equate to great cost savings for the consumer. Unlike smaller suppliers, businesses specializing in discount salon equipment typically do not offer customization of equipment. They offer what is currently in stock and quickly ship to the customer in an effort to bring in new equipment. Many discount suppliers have elaborate e-commerce sites and online catalogs that allow potential customers to easily research available products and prices.

Suppliers of discount salon equipment frequently offer financing or leasing options to qualified customers. Even at discount prices, some salon equipment can be very expensive. The option of financing or leasing equipment often makes good business sense to a salon owner. The ability to break a large payment into smaller monthly payments or take advantage of lower monthly ?lease? payments may appeal to a new salon owner or simply entice a thrifty customer to make a purchase.

In purchasing discount salon equipment it is important to know that the supplier is reputable. Ask questions about their return and exchange policies. If the policy is not easily understood or does not exist, make a purchase elsewhere. The Better Business Bureau is a great resource when attempting to ensure that a supplier is reputable. Networking and asking other salon owners where they purchase their equipment may also lead to capturing a great deal.

Salon Equipment Info provides detailed information about beauty, hair, nail, tanning salon equipment, as well as wholesale and discount salon equipment. Salon Equipment Info is the sister site of Hair Extensions Web.

Plastic Surgey: The New Beauty Norm?

This is a good topic to discuss especially now since the popularity of all the make-over shows. I have always been curious as to why people, mostly women, have this idea that they are expected to look a certain way in order to fit in with society.

We all would like to believe that quaint saying, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but how true and meaningful is that phrase when the beholder has been brainwashed, so to speak, into subscribing to the belief that beauty is the artificial look we see on glamour mags, in TV commercials, and even in some children's books? For some time now, that image has consisted mainly of white women and the white standard of beauty.

I decided to take this question of plastic surgery and the search for beauty and see how it can affect some women in the African-American community. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, African-Americans make up only 6% of plastic surgery patients. Why is this? Do African-American women have a more positive self/body image or is it that many cannot afford it? And for the 6% who do have surgery, to which standard of beauty were they trying to aspire?

I chose to start my search for the white standard of beauty in 1960. I chose that year because at the time, a TV show was airing that sought to teach moral and societal lessons through fantastical tales. Two episodes of this show were very telling and prophetic, and they both dealt with how society viewed beauty and the expectations placed on women to be beautiful. That show was, The Twilight Zone.

Beauty in 1960... Rod Serling offered us a tale of beauties and beasts in episode #42 entitled: Eye of the Beholder. Here's a brief synopsis of the show I found at The Twilight Zone Guide: Janet Tyler anxiously awaits the outcome of her latest surgery. Janet, who's abnormal face has made her an outcast, has had her eleventh hospital visit - the maximum allowed by the State. If it didn't succeed, she will be sent to live in a village where others of her kind are segregated. As her bandages are removed, she is revealed to be very beautiful. The doctor draws back in horror. As the lights come on we see the others, their faces are misshapen and deformed. As Janet runs from her room crying, she runs into another of her kind, a handsome man named Walter Smith. He is in charge of an outcast village, and he assures her that she will eventually feel she belongs. He tells her to remember the old saying: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Although the show was filmed in black and white, we can clearly see that Ms. Tyler is Caucasian. The doctors appear to have darker skin, nevertheless, the idea here was that the viewers empathized with Ms. Tyler because she was the classic blonde, slender beauty commonly seen in 1960's fashion magazines. As the show closes, the narrator speaks: Now the questions that come to mind. Where is this place and when is it, what kind of world where ugliness is the norm and beauty the deviation from that norm? The answer is, it doesn't make any difference. Because the old saying happens to be true. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, in this year or a hundred years hence, on this planet or wherever there is human life, perhaps out among the stars. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Lesson to be learned...in the Twilight Zone.

1964: The Standard Continues Episode #137, in Season Five, is called, Number Twelve Looks Just Like You, and was adapted by a short story called The Beautiful People. In this episode, we meet Marilyn, a young woman who is about to go through a rite of passage in her community. This rite is called The Transformation and it requires citizens to choose among several models of bodies into which they will be transformed. The message here is that this society only sees one standard of beauty and that one will not be happy unless they look and act just like everyone else. Opening Narration: Given the chance, what young girl wouldn't happily exchange a plain face for a lovely one? What girl could refuse the opportunity to be beautiful? For want of a better estimate, let's call it the year 2000. At any rate, imagine a time in the future when science has developed a means of giving everyone the face and body he dreams of. It may not happen tomorrow--but it happens now, in the Twilight Zone.

Once again, the beautiful people are all white and we don't see any women or men of color. What was this episode trying to tell black women about beauty? The closing narration: Portrait of a young lady in love--with herself. Improbable? Perhaps. But in an age of plastic surgery, body building, and an infinity of cosmetics, let us hesitate to say impossible. These and other strange blessings may be waiting in the future--which after all, is the Twilight Zone.

Beauty 40 Years Later

Some aspects of beauty standards have changed, but not much. We do see more black models and beautiful black women, but when you look at the majority of the more famous ones, (Tyra, Halle, Janet, Vanessa Williams, Beyonce, a few of whom have had plastic surgery, on their noses and other body parts), you can see straight away that they have many Caucasian attributes: small, pinched noses, lighter complexion, lighter eyes, straight, lightly colored hair. It is rare that you will see a model with very dark skin, a tight afro, wide, round, larger nose, and full, large lips. Flip through any issue of Vogue or Glamour and look for that image I just described. Then look for the first image I described.

So, are black women trying to aspire to the white standard of beauty when they seek plastic surgery?

According to Cynthia Winston, assistant professor of psychology at Howard University in Washington, D.C., We really don't know much about how blacks are influenced. Most of the research focuses on perceptions related to skin color. Foe most African-Americans, perception can be shaped by their environment. For example, an African-American woman growing up in an all-white neighborhood in Nebraska may be more likely than an African-American woman raised in inner-city Detroit to compare herself with white images of beauty.

(Source: African-American Women & Plastic Surgery: Self-Improvement or Self-Hatred? By Angela D. Johnson, Sept. 2, 2003)

Now What?

I suppose, it all comes down to how one feels inside about themselves. But there is this viscous cycle of doubt that women constantly face so it's often hard to reconcile your inner voices with the outside images thrown at you everyday. Many women buy into the trends and fashions that dictate beauty. TV shows and print ads abound with images of sexy women. Fitness clubs persuade women to join not so they will lower their risk of heart disease, but so they will aspire to be beautiful on the outside. No one tries to sell things that will help them on the inside.

In the end, you can look at all of this and say that there will always be standards of beauty and those who aspire to live up those standards, and those wanting to make a profit off those standards (cosmetic companies, ad agencies, modeling agencies, fashion designers, plastic surgeons, psychotherapists). The media portrays what people want to see and apparently, it's sex and beauty.

Ms. Martin currently resides in sunny Southern California with her son. When she's not writing, she works part-time as a preschool teacher where she hopes to help all children develop positive self and body images.

Beauty from the Inside for Sensitive Skin

If you have sensitive skin you may find that many of the treatments you try are too harsh for your skin. While other women are buying skin care products with vitamin C or anti-oxidants, you are using the mild brand with no anti-aging benefits.

So, what can you do about it? How can you, with your sensitive skin get the same anti-aging effects that other women are getting?

While others are applying expensive anti-aging products on their skin, you can eat them. Now, of course, I don?t mean for you to eat your expensive night cream or any other store-bought skin products, but you can eat the effective ingredients in them. Since your skin is your largest organ, the benefits of eating the ingredients will be similar to applying them directly to your skin.

Here are some ingredients you can start with.

Green tea: There are plenty of skin care product now that contain green tea. You?ll hear about green tea everywhere and it?s now in many brands of skin care. However, if you have sensitive skin and can?t use those products, then you can drink green tea and have the same effects on your skin. Plus, the bonus is that you?ll be benefitting every other part of your body as well. Some of the other benefits of green tea are weight loss, lower cholesterol, and possibly a lower risk of cancer.

Cucumbers: An increase in fruits and vegetables in your diet can have a positive effect on the overall appearance of your skin. Increase your vegetable intake and your skin will thank you.

Vitamin C: Take a supplement or increase your intake of oranges and other fruits. The anti-oxidants in them are wonderful for your skin.

Remember, your skin is your largest organ. Take care of it by feeding it well, whether you?re putting products on it, or feeding your body with nutritious foods. And, for those of us with sensitive skin, we?ll be saving a fortune, avoiding those expensive jars of cream and heading straight for the grocery store produce aisles.

Tina Titas is a columnist for several health-related publications. She recommends http://www.EasyNaturalRemedies.com/skincare.html and http://www.MyBeautyRecipes.com for natural skin care that you can make with ingredients in your kitchen cupboards.

Recipes For Beauty Products

We all want to look our best and beauty products help us to look and feel the best. But often it happens that we don't have time to visit a salon or we always cannot afford buying expensive beauty products. Homemade beauty products help in this case. You only need to know the recipes for preparing these beauty products; you are all set to use them according to your convenience.

Today, the market is flooded with a wide range of beauty products ? starting from hair to toe ? we get beauty products for each and every part of our body. However, homemade products have their own specialties, as you get the pure and chemical free products to use, means less harm on your skin as well as hair.

Beauty products for your hair

Here are some quick recipes for taking care of your hair. The ingredients are easily available; you will perhaps find all of them in your kitchen.

Hair Conditioner: Beat one egg yolk and mix a cup of plain yoghurt into it. Rub this mixture before washing your hair and wait for 30-45 minutes. Rinse well and finally wash it.

Hairspray: Take a lemon and cut it into 4 pieces. Place them in a pot with 2 cups of water. Boil it until the water becomes half. Cool, strain and keep it in a spray bottle. Keep this spray in refrigerator to use it for a long time. If you find the spray is sticky, you can add a little more water into it.

Hair Color: Coffee gives a warmer glow to brown hair. Brew a cup of coffee and cool it completely. Then strain it and rub it in your hair. Leave it for 20 minutes and then rinse it out.

Beauty products for your face

Face masks can moisturize your face skin and make it glow with beauty. Here are some recipes for preparing facemasks.

Citrus fruit mask: Take 1-tablespoon of honey and 2 tablespoons of orange juice. Mix them with 1 apple puree with ? teaspoon sage. Mix all the ingredients well and then heat the mixture for few minutes in microwave. Apply this pack evenly on your face and keep for 20 minutes. Then wash clean with a warm washcloth. This mask is suitable for all skin types.

Cucumber mask: Take ? cucumber, 1 egg white, ? teaspoon of lemon juice, and 1 teaspoon of apple mint, and make a mixture of these ingredients using a food processor or a blender. Keep this mixture in a refrigerator for 10 minutes. Then apply it on your face and keep it for 20-25 minutes. Rinse off with hot washcloth and then rinse with cool water. This mask is very good for oily skin.

Other beauty products

Recipes for teeth whitening product:

Take 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of salt. Make a paste and apply this on the yellowish tint.

Take the inner white part of orange skin and rub your teeth with it. This will help you get a lovely white shine.

Recipes for home made perfume:

Place cheesecloth in a bowl and fill with 1 cup of flower blossoms of your choice (Lavender, Lilac, or any highly fragrant flower). Pour water over the flowers until they are completely covered. Cover the bowl and keep it overnight. Next day, take out the water by pulling the edges of the cheesecloth and gently squeeze the scented water into a small pot. Simmer the water until one-tablespoon amount is left. Cool and place it in a bottle. You can keep this perfume for 1 month.

You don't need to use costly beauty products to maintain your beauty. You can achieve professional results following the recipes for beauty products and using these products.

For more informative health and beauty articles or to browse our wide variety of quality herbal supplements visit http://www.natural-health-4-life.com

Hair Care Home Remedies

Save money and give yourself a break from the chemicals found in most hair care products by using the following natural home remedies.

Tame your frizzy hair by rubbing coconut oil into your hands and applying sparingly onto your hair. You don't want to overdo it - too much will make your hair look greasy. Shampooing your hair less frequently also helps with the frizzies. Excess shampooing strips natural oils from the hair.

Rinse your hair with one tablespoon baking soda mixed with one cup of water to get rid of shampoo build-up and styling residues.

Rinsing your hair with one juiced lemon and one cup of water is said to bring life and shine back to dull hair.

1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar mixed with two cups of water will give your hair shine and bounce.

Add essential oil of ylang ylang to your shampoo, conditioner and styling agents as a hair rejuvenator.

Ylang ylang and rosemary essential oils are also believed to stimulate hair growth.

Drinking plenty of water and eating plenty of raw fruits and vegetables and getting plenty of rest is probably the best way to achieving healthy hair.

What goes into your body is reflective on the outside including your hair.

Elizabeth Kiely is the owner of EK Shower Caps: http://www.EKLBC.com

Soft Contact Lenses Are They Safe?

I have a very bad eyesight and I don't look good in glasses. I want to switch to contact lenses, but there is a lot of talk about contact lenses causing eye infection. Are soft contact lenses safe?

This is a very common question. Many people would like to switch to contact lenses, but they are afraid that this can cause diseases such as keratitis (inflammation of the cornea) Lets look at the dangers wearing contact lenses might present and how you can avoid them.

There are two main lens types - RGP (rigid gas permeable lenses) and soft contact lenses. Here we will talk about soft contact lenses, since they are the most popular type.

Contact lenses features that can put you at risk of keratitis

The quality of your contact lenses, how much oxygen they let through to your eyes and how high is the percentage of water in the lens should all be considered. It is important to select lenses made from high quality polymer with a high (more than 50%) water content. Also the lenses should breathe - in other words, they should let enough oxygen through. A good choice would be Acuvue Advance lenses or any of the Focus contacts. Also see more suggestions on healthy contact lenses.

Another consideration is how the thickness of the lens. The more corrective power your eyes require, the thicker the lens is. A thick lens presents a higher risk of infection. If your eyesight is very bad, RGP lenses might be a better choice for you, instead of soft contact lenses.

Third, having your lens properly fitted is especially important. The lens shouldn't be too tight across the surface of your eye. There should be space for tears between the lens and your eye. Only an experienced eye doctor can fit your lenses properly. You should never buy contact lenses without a prescription, on the assumption that they will fit you. Most likely they won't, and you can do irreparable damage to your eyes.

Another problem is exposure to pollution, smoke, dust or pollen. Lenses tend to collect even the smallest particles from the air. This causes discomfort and, quite often, inflammation of the cornea. If you feel that there is something stuck between your eye and the lens, take your lens off immediately and wash both the lens and your eye. See additional eye health suggestions.

Sleeping in your contact lenses isn't recommended. Contact lens manufacturers realize that people would very much like to have a lens that they can wear continuously for several days. They put a lot of research into producing such lenses: for example, Focus Night and Day is said to be safe for 30 days of continuous wear, and Acuvue is designed to be worn for a week.

However, from your health point of view it is better to be safe than sorry; don't sleep in your lenses. Of course, if you live in the mountains where the air is crystal clear, wearing your lenses for several days might be all right. But most of us live in polluted cities and travel a couple hours a day through peak hour traffic. Just imagine all that dust collecting between the delicate surface of your eye and a lens for a week, or a month ? It's not a pleasant thought, is it?

Early symptoms of keratitis are blurry vision (while wearing lenses) and discomfort when exposed to light. If you notice these signs, don't wear your lenses and see a doctor.

After reading this article you probably think that soft contact lenses are dangerous and you are better off with your old glasses. Please don't. Modern brand-name contact lenses are designed to minimize the risks and, if they are properly fitted, worn according to the schedule and properly cared for, they are quite safe. The most important thing is to follow the advice given above and see your eye doctor immediately, if you start to feel discomfort.

Tanya Turner is a contact lens expert and a founder of http://www.1-contact-lenses-consumer-guide.com/, where you can find unbiased information about eye health and all types of contact lenses with reviews and pictures

A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever! And that can be You!

It is said that a thing of beauty is a joy forever. That probably explains why possessing beauty and being beautiful is one of the foremost preoccupations of human beings. Over the years, consumerism has transformed such preoccupations into frank obsession. Inner beauty is no longer in ? skin-deep beauty certainly is! But what is wrong with that? Cosmetology and the beauty industry have come of age, aided steadily by advances in cosmetic surgery. Daily workouts, gym sessions, visits to beauty parlors and keeping in sync with beauty and fashion tips has certainly become trendy.

Enhancing your beauty.

Beauty is in the eye of its beholder. Perfect beauty is but an illusion, but if you can feel good about yourself by enhancing your looks, you may find more joy in your life. And it is not too difficult to achieve. The media is full of beauty tips and beauty products. Beauty supplies are always at hand ? be it at the Shopping Mall or on the Net.

However, it is beautiful to be simple and yet simple to be beautiful. One can surely start from ones home itself.

Maintain a regulated lifestyle.

Six to eight hours of sleep with fixed times for fixed quantity meals, avoidance of junk food and high calorie stuff, lots of fluid intake, high priority for vitamin-rich fruits and a rigid regime of self-discipline, would certainly make a good start in ones quest for beauty.

About The Author

Mike Yeager




Cleanse and Stimulate Your Scalp with the Right Shampoo!

Shampoo contributes to good hair care. In our quest for the perfect makeup, the vital importance of good hair care is mostly ignored. Your hair is usually the first thing people notice about you and gives you away in many ways. Is it dull, dry and damaged, or is it shiny, vibrant and healthy? Well-groomed hair contributes to that perfect look and the confidence in your personality. There are so many shampoos, conditioners and other hair care products available today. One needs to find out which one is best for ones hair.

Don?t take shampoos for granted.

Don?t take shampoos for granted. Unfortunately, it is difficult to tell a good shampoo from a bad one, especially when cost, fragrance and foaming are the main purchasing criteria. In fact, good foaming virtually means too much shampoo was used, or rather, wasted. Ideally, the head should have just enough lather to help your fingers massage the shampoo into the scalp and lubricate the hair. This allows sebum and other oils to destroy foam quickly. Today, different shampoos are available for dry hair, permed hair, color treated hair, limp hair, and of course, normal hair. Then there are shampoos which are not typically found in store bought products. For these contain quality ingredients that contribute to the cost of the product.

For example, salon shampoo classically contains higher quality protein based conditioners or moisturizing conditioners, thus enabling the conditioner to penetrate deeper into the hair shaft and lock in moisture.

About The Author

Mike Yeager




Shampoo Killed my Beautiful Hair

Hair is everybody's crowning glory.

The previous paragraph is the sole reason as to why beauty salons and shampoo companies have become the in thing in the business world. They earn money by caressing vanity, the very grain that is inherent in human nature. They awe us by parading beautiful girls with long, shiny hair. They instill in us the drama, the magic, the beautiful-girl-stories of finding fame and romance by sporting soft and shiny locks.

We buy these hair products. We try these salon treatments. But of course, none that is similar to those shampoo commercials ever happens to us. None ever will. But then we keep buying these products. We keep trying more salon treatments. Until we fail again.

It is sad that we end up forever victims of what we believe as the great solution. We don't know that what we religiously follow at the back of shampoo bottles is not really a beauty secret, but actually a deceitful commercial script to bring more business for shampoo companies. In reality, constant usage of shampoo actually diminishes the strength and the shine of the hair. But because we have so much faith, we never put the blame on these products. Instead, we use more, buy more, hope even firmer that in the long run, we still will achieve the shampoo-model-type-hair.

The rationale for this is simple. Over washing the hair rids the natural oil from the scalp, thereby prodding the latter to produce more oil to compensate. This results dandruff and grease. Also there are residues from hair creams and shampoos that accumulates in the hair, making it more difficult to wash.

In an article by Natalie in stretcher. com, she gave tips on how to maintain a less-costly but healthy hair:

1. When you wash your hair, lather once, not twice (like all shampoo instructions suggest!). Wash your hair and scalp thoroughly, and then rinse. Your hair might not feel squeaky clean, but it will be as clean as with two lathers.

2. When possible, leave your hair without washing an extra day. Try not to wash your hair every day. Your hair will become less oily over time.

3.Brush your hair and scalp every day (your grandmother was right). This will stimulate your scalp, distribute protective oils throughout your hair, and combat dandruff.

4. Unless you've had your hair colored or permed in the last month, do not condition the hair at your scalp. This will discourage greasiness, and it will also save you money!

5. If you want a fresh feeling but don't want to shampoo, just run hot water over your hair in the shower. This will rinse away some of the dirt and even out your hair, so that it will look clean without having to shampoo.

There we go. There are actually more less-costly but more effective fixes that we can think of than depending on instant treatments. It is never wrong to look for easier alternatives, but hey, a beautiful mane is a treasure unworthy of being gambled. Let?s play it slow and sure. Beauty, after all, is not an overnight thing.

Other articles from the same author can be found at: http://www.ion-healthbeauty-4u.info/

Erica Alexia Registered Nurse

The Miracles Of Tea Tree Oil For Skin And Hair Care

Tea tree, MELALEUCA ALTERNIFOLIA, native to Australia, is a tree or shrub with needle like leaves similar in appearance to cypress with heads of sessile pale flowers. The popular tea tree oil is derived from this tree. The aborigines of Australia have been known to have used the tea tree oil to treat a range of ailments from colds, sores to acne and even whooping cough.

Extensively used in aromatherapy, the leaves when crushed release essential oils of varying amounts and constituents. The oil is so potent that it can be diluted up to many times its volume and it still manages to retain its effectiveness all the same. Although the benefits of tea tree oil are numerous, for beauty treatments, it?s been found effective in skin and hair care. The following sections describe the uses of Tea Tree Oil for skin care and hair care.

Tea tree oil for skin care

Tea tree oil has been used effectively to treat acne, abscess, athlete's foot, blisters, burns, cold sores, insect bites, oily skin, rashes, spots, warts and wounds. You can use tea tree oil to cure sunburns, diaper rash, toenail infections and problems of smelly feet.

Tea tree oil for hair care

Add a few drops of Tea tree oil to your regular shampoo to treat hair problems like persistent dandruff, itchy-scalp and even prevent head-lice. Massage it in, leave it on for 5-7 minutes and rinse off. Adding a few drops in pet shampoo/bath helps keep tics and rashes at bay.

Other benefits of tea tree oil Fed-up with allopathic medicines? Packets of antibiotics that have gone down your throat seem to be of no use? The only things you find they have lightened are your pockets? Well, don't panic, help is at hand, Tea Tree oil can be used to treat a variety of medical problems. A great remedy to soothe your sinuses; dab a drop of tea tree oil around your nose can help clear up blocked sinuses.

Add a few drops in a steam bath or vaporizer and inhale, a great relief for persistent colds and cough. Regular use of tea tree oil has been found to be effective in treating Asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, cough, sinusitis and even tuberculosis.

Tea tree oil is a great general disinfectant and can be effectively used to treat genito-urinary tract infections such as thrush, vaginitis, cystitis and pruitis. Tea tree oil has properties that act as a immune booster. It helps equip the body to fight off a host of infections. Using tea tree oil is particularly effective if the body is already in a weakened condition due to illness, stress or prolonged treatment-involving antibiotics that lead to a reduction of the body's natural resistance.

Using tea tree oil prior to a surgical operation or for those suffering from long-drawn debilitating illness has been found to be beneficial. The anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties have seen tea tree oil being used extensively in soaps, toothpastes, deodorants, disinfectants, gargles, germicides, aftershaves and colognes. Tea tree oil is safe to use, as it is non-toxic and non-irritant.

Although tea tree oil has no known side effects, some individuals may be sensitive to it. This calls for consideration of the strength of tea tree oil and should never be used undiluted on the body and particularly on sensitive areas.

Kevin Pederson has been managing a number of natural home remedies websites which have information on home based natural cures and references to some of the very useful oils like tea tree oils which are very good for your skin and hair .

Bowel Remedy Saves Face!

You'll be simply amazed at the merit a good facial mask has! Most people remember to cleanse and moisturize at bedtime as it is a habit, but they aren't as diligent when it comes to applying a facial mask. Incredibly relaxing, the facial mask is something that can be applied on a regular basis and you should consider giving it some serious thought. It is very soothing and super good for your skin! Masks come in a wide range of prices and some are as simple and low-cost as a plain tub of yogurt. Facial masks re-hydrate your skin and if you have oily skin, it will tighten up the pores soaking up the excess oil on your face. Facials should be applied once a week. The results can be amazing.

One of the best things about applying a facial mask is that it gives you 20 minutes of relaxation and most people nowadays just don?t get enough of that. Clay masks do a wonderful job in cleaning out the pores around your nose that contribute to blackheads. The larger your pores are the more room there is to trap the oil.

If you're looking for a facial mask for oily skin, you must try Milk of Magnesia. This excellent product is just as the effective as the masks you find on shelves, and sometimes even better! Magnesium, which is found in the Milk of Magnesia, is a great disinfectant and absorbs facial oil. Any parts of exposed skin are candidates for masks. A lot of skin is exposed when you wear a swimsuit and this skin can benefit as well. If you have trouble with your back breaking out, a mask can be applied by giving the sponge to your significant other if he or she is handy, and leave it on for 10 minutes. Then step into the shower to rinse it off. It's that simple!

By Terry Price- Remember to visit- http://www.laser-hair-removal-discount.com/facial-hair-removal.html -for information on facial hair removal, laser hair removal, and permanent hair removal and other skin and hair related articles.

The Secrets of Celebrity Makeup Artists

Who hasn?t looked at the perfect beauty of a model on the cover of a magazine or seen the flawless beauty of movie star on the red carpet and wished that they too could possess such ultimate beauty? Now with these surprisingly simple secret techniques used by Hollywood?s top makeup artist on some of the world?s most famous celebrity faces you can discover your own star quality and possess flawless beauty as well.

Model High Cheekbones ? To create model high cheekbones after applying your foundation apply a very thin line of highlighter in a diagonal line on the top of your cheekbones starting at the center of your pupil and ending at the end of your cheekbone, blend thoroughly. Next apply a very thin line of contour shadow or cream in a diagonal line directly underneath your cheekbones starting at the center of your pupil and ending at the end of your cheekbone, blend thoroughly.

Ready For Your Close Up Flawless Complexion ? To create a flawless perfect complexion that can stand up to the closest close up, mix color correctors with your concealer apply after moisturizer and before foundation. Color correctors counteract specific flaws in facial complexions, hides imperfections, evens out skin tones, and covers blemishes. Mint Green Correctors neutralizes redness. Lavender Correctors covers sallowness. Orange Correctors covers blue tones such as veins, dark circles, and bruises.

Cover Girl Perfect Brows - To create cover girl perfect brows pluck clean the area underneath the brow bone and shape the brow with widest part of the brow at the inner corner of your eye and the brow getting thinner has it goes out toward your temple. The highest part of the arch should be just above the outer edge of your pupil.

Dramatic Movie-Star Eyes ? To create dramatic movie-star eyes apply a matte nude eye shadow over the entire eyelid. Next apply dark brown eyeliner to highlight your upper and lower eyelids from the inner corner to the outer corner. Finally apply another layer of eye shadow two shades darker to the crease of your eye and blend it upwards to your eyebrow.

Sexy Starlet Lips ? To create sexy starlet lips trace the outer edge of your mouth with a lip pencil that matches your lips. Next, apply a slightly lighter lip color over your lips, and then blot. Finally, purse your lips and dab a little white eye shadow right in the center of them

Eileen Hammel is a Nationally & Internationally Recognized Image, Style and Beauty Expert Ms.Hammel is President of Smarter Image, Smart Skin Care - Smart Cosmetics by Smarter Image. http://www.smartskincaresmartcosmetics.com/

The Ultimate Beauty Tip: Good Posture

When you think of projecting a professional image, do you consider your posture? Most people don?t think of it, but the way we stand, sit, and move affects just how professional we look. So, if we take the time to wear the clothing that best suits us, get the most flattering hairstyle and perfect our makeup, then it would make sense that we wouldn?t want to ruin our look by having poor posture. And that?s what poor posture will do ? it will ruin an otherwise professional look.

There are other advantages to having good posture:

1.Good posture will boost self-confidence. Try this: take a deep breath and stand straight. Do you feel better? More confident?

2.Good posture opens your diaphragm making your voice sound better.

3.It improves your health by allowing your organs to function more easily.

4.It also makes you look slimmer, younger and your clothes look better.

To know if you have good posture stand sideways in front of a full-length mirror and stand as you do naturally. Is your:

*Neck straight

*Shoulders square

*Tummy in

*Feet pointing forward

Or do you have:

* Slopped shoulders

* Drooping bust

* Chest caved in

To achieve good posture you must make it a habit by keeping your shoulders back, abdomen pulled in, your head lifted and chin parallel to the ground. This won?t be easy if you are not used to it because you will have to build the muscles that keep your body in the correct position. It will take patience and practice. When you make a decision to work on your posture don?t expect it to happen overnight but rest assured it will improve and you will see and feel the difference.

Sheila Dicks is an Image and Wardrobe consultant who helps women learn how to dress to suit their body type and look slimmer. You can reach her at http://www.sheilasfashionsense.com to download her ebook, Image Makeovers and get How to Build a Wardrobe ebook free.

Beauty and Youthfulness

In all ages, the endeavor of man has been to remain beautiful and youthful. For this he spends all his income in housing, food and dress. However as he gains age, nothing helps him in his endeavor to remain beautiful and youthful, diseaseless and ageless. This is because of thousands of years of ignorance, prejudice encoded in the mind.

Body is just like a burning flame. A flame exists and gives light so long as oil or wax burns. Fresh oil is drawn up into the flame and burnt out oil leaves the flame into the atmosphere. Similarly food, water and air enters into the body and used up and toxic materials leaves the body in the form of sweating, urine and stool. The body remains as burning flame giving beauty and youthfulness.

However the difference is that oil in the body is inexhaustible. It is the life-force(prana) pervading all parts and all cells in the body. The source of this life-force is the soul(atman) within each living being. Soul and its life-force is eternal, unending and uncontaminated. Hence so long as this life-force exists in the body, the body should be beautiful, youthful and uncontaminated with disease and death.

Again if we view the body scientifically, the cells in the body are being regenerated continuously. After every seven years all old cells are replaced by newly created cells. So after every seven years we get a new body and never remain the same. Hence the body should always remain beautiful and youthful.

So long as we don't realise our life-force(prana) and source of this life-force i.e. soul(atman) or true self, we cannot remain youthful. In order to realise true self one has to practice Yoga. Yoga is a method to control body and mind and finally the mind. We are nothing but a mind. What our mind thinks up it materialises. When we practice Yoga to remain youthful and beautiful it really happens. We rule over the body and mind and overcome disease and death. This is liberation and this may come right in this birth.

Contrary to this, religious leaders would declare that disease and death is truth. So pray for the mercy of God and after death one may enter into heaven. Hell, heaven and God are imaginary things which have remained as ignorance and prejudice for thousands of years. They have no real existence; they exists in the mind only. These things have been created by a few in order to rule over the majority. The real truth, the real divinity and the real bliss lies in soul, life and consciousness only.

So one should give up ignorance and prejudice at once and get liberated. One should search for real truth which only give peace, beauty and youthfulness. In order to hold the truth firmly one has to practice that Yoga which may drive out ignorance throgh the dawn of right knowledge.

For reading more about Yoga and spiritualism readers may go through the book 'Quest for Truth: the spiritual and yogic way' published with Thornton Publishing, Inc. Also readers may email to the Author for guidance. http://www.bookstobelievein.com/questfortruth.php


Facial Enhancements with Surgical Implants

It goes without saying that the appearance of the human face plays a massive role in interactions between each of us. Implants offer an opportunity to put forth your best side.

Facial Enhancements with Surgical Implants

There are many definitions for plastic surgery. One of the more common is the correction or modification of abnormalities in the body. What exactly constitutes an abnormality is the subject of great debate, to wit, an actual abnormality or something a person subjectively does not care for in their appearance.

Surgical implants used for facial enhancements definitely tend to fall within a more medically determined definition of plastic surgery. The implants are often used to address imperfections that are both subjectively perceived and physically present from a medical perspective. Seriously small chins and uneven or collapsed cheek bones are a common area of surgical intervention.

Surgical solutions for facial defects are all about reshaping the face to a more traditional structure. The goal could be to increase the size of a chin to create linear balance from side views or to enhance one side of the face to create balance in appearance. Obviously, there are other situations as well. What is not disputed, however, is the emotional and psychological benefit of such enhancements when a serious defect exists.

To reshape a facial area, plastic surgeons will often use implants. The implants can be preset or customized for the particular problem. For individuals with seriously reduced chins, for example, an implant is placed at the point of the chin to create volume and more natural look. The goal in the surgery is to create a more balanced face by moving enhancing the chin in such a way that a view from the side shows a generally uniform slope from forehead to chin.

Facial surgery of this type is surprisingly uncomplicated for the patient. It is often done in less than two hours and hospitalization is rarely required. Generally, patients can return to work in a week and any indication of a surgical procedure can be gone as soon as two weeks after the fact. Obviously, each situation is different so consult with your medical professional to gain an understanding of your situation and the reasonable results that can be expected.

Facial abnormalities, whether perceived or medically significant, can be the crux of confidence problems. If you fall within this classification, do not hesitate to contact a plastic surgeon to discuss the options available to you. Make sure to look at before and after pictures to get a definitive idea of the solutions available.

Ricardo de Silva is with PlasticSurgeonPractices.com - a directory of plastic surgeons. Visit us to read more plastic surgery articles.

Beauty Can Be An Ugly Business

Last night I was at a show. The women looked so glamourous, and their make-up was so beautiful. Later, backstage, they looked garish and old up close.

This is a lesson that all women over thirty need to learn. Hard lines, perfectly applied streaks and dark eyeliner can look beautiful as you walk through the door at an event. But it is terrifying up close, it puts off men and women alike. It becomes a Halloween mask.

I see a real life example of this every single Friday. A woman walks by on her way to a business meeting, once a week I watch all of the men that attend my own meeting look up to admire this 50+ beauty as she walks through the door. She is dressed immaculately and she's in wonderful shape. But up close, in the words of my teenage daughter she's a mess.

She's not Tammy Faye Baker, but she channels her. Her foundation is two shades two dark and she does a flawless job of blending at the hairline, but the demarcation at th neck makes her carefully applied cosmetics looks mask like.

She wears false eyelashes, they are too long, but when she bends down to reach for her meetings agenda, the eyelashes become obvious. It's a bit like seeing what you believe is a beautiful piece of art and getting close to find its a crayon rendering.

As we grow older and want to remain looking youthful. Less is more. It's time to invest in one of the lighter, light reflecting foundations. Blend, blend, blend should be the watch words for those of us that no longer have a perfect canvas.

Am I saying we shouldn't update our look? No! (Update by all means, go to the Trish McEvoy counter and buy one of the new color wash eyeshadows. Yves Saint Laurent offers one of the best highlighters ever made, bringing light to our faces and actually giving us a youthful look. )

I am saying less is more. Leave the heavy handed make-up to twenty year olds and their forgiving complexions. The advantage of age is discretion, our experience gives us the upper hand and remember if it would look good on the runway...it would look scary up close.

Today's Beauty Affirmation, Today I acknowledge that aging beauty is not about covering up. It is about adding light to my best features and uncovering, not covering my beauty.

Jillian Hurley, Editor http://www.AmericanBeautyAdvisor.com to see a complete bio please visit About Us on our website.

What is Tanning Lotion?

Tanning is a very popular thing to do. There are a lot of people that want to have that golden-bronzed look for summer. When you want to achieve the best-looking kind of tan, you need to use a tanning lotion to help it along. There are so many different kinds and brands of tanning lotions that are available to buy. Many of them do different things and it is important to figure out the best one for your needs.

There is no best tanning lotion. There are better products for different people. Everyone's needs are not the same. For some people, they are going to need more protection from the sun than others. Many people have a harder time than others tanning and they find themselves getting a stronger tanning lotion, which may be more expensive too.

It will depend on the person's skin type to decide the tanning lotion that is right for them. There are many different types of skin. Dry skin, oily skin, and normal skin. It is going to depend on the skin type and what kind of tan the person wants to achieve. Another factor may be if the person is getting a tan from sun or from a tanning bed. Outdoor tanning lotions are made to be used with the sun and uncontrolled conditions, while indoor tanning lotion is to be used in tanning bed with the artificial light.

There are some tanning lotions that have a certain degree of SPF. You should have some form of sun protection outdoors. This is what will help to protect your skin from the suns harmful rays. There are different levels of SPF. You have to use the right one for your skin tone. If you have lighter skin, it is important to use the right lotion to protect your skin. You need to make sure that you have all the protection that you need. If you are looking for deeper and darker tan, you can go lower on the SPF.

You can find tanning lotions in many department stores or you can find them in a lot of beauty salons. You may find that you will get a better lotion when you choose buying it from a professional salon. You may find that different lotions will give you a separate look. You will find that you may go through a few different ones before you finally find the right one.

Achieving a great summer tan will give you confidence and a slimmer look. You will feel more attractive and better about yourself when you have the bronzed glowing look. Getting a great tan should be something that you have control over. You need to make sure that you protect your skin and get the natural sun kissed look that you love.

Copyright 2006 - Agust Hauksson. Agust is a regular contributor of articles to many online publications. Find more great information at: http://www.tanning-lotion.info/, http://www.tanningbed-guide.info/ and http://www.tanningsalon-guide.com/

Aromatherapy Hot Picks

Aromatherapy has definitely been a hot topic for quite some time. We hear people talking about it, books writing about it and commercial businesses selling it all the time ? Aromatherapy Spa, Essentials Oils, Scent sticks ?etc. Indeed, the concept existed during the Roman and Greek civilizations too, it was just not as sophisticated and convenient now.

I believe part of popularity of the concept is due to the stressing environments we are living in today. We are facing different pressures at work, home, relationships ? etc. and we would love to have some nice scents to help us relax. Good scents bring us lovely and good memories and this is why we always feel so nice and calm after a rosy bubble bath or a lavendar massage.

There are so many different essential oils available these days and it?s really hard to pick one with decent quality. It costs a bit more to buy good aromatherapy products because its purity has wonderful effects on us. In view of different scents, some of the followings are most common and popular: Bergamot, Chamomile, Geranium, Jasmine, Lavender, Lemongrass, Mint, Rose, Rosemary, Sandalwood and Ylang-ylang.

Let?s not forget we do need a healthy method to ease our stress and tensions from time to time, different people have different ways to deal with their emotional distress and I believe aromatherapy is a good and convenient choice.

Very much interested in investigating different topics of beauty, including but not limited to skincare, haircare, and makeup...etc. I have always been reading about the abovementioned topics in the hope to find some interesting and valuable information on the concepts and definitely love to share with the interested people about my findings!


Hair Removal All About Waxing For Hair Removal

Some of us have problem of hair loss, while a majority wants to get rid of hair from different places on the body. it may the bikini are, or the thin hair line over the upper lip, or hair on the chest and back of men, or hair on legs, and armpits. Everybody wants to know about the method that will help remove hair for a long time without undergoing much trouble. Let us take a brief look at the methods of hair removal.

Waxing- One of the oldest and most common methods for hair removal is waxing. Waxing can be done both with cold wax and hot wax and now with waxing kits available in the market, you can wax yourself at home. In hot waxing, hot wax is spread on the skin, covered with a strip of cloth, allowed to dry and pulled off in the opposite direction of hair growth. This pulls away most of the hair from the hair shaft. This method may be painful and you must take care of the temperature of hot wax, and skin irritation after waxing. Waxing can also cause folliculititis, ingrown hair a, scars and hyperpigmentation.

You can wax any part of the body, small or big in size, except the bikini area. If you are taking oral Vitamin A derivative pills such as Isotretnoin, you need to avoid waxing till your doctor advises. It also applies to topical applications of Vitamin A derivative creams. All these products dry the skin and there is a possibility of hurting the skin while waxing. You should avoid waxing if you have irritated skin, broken sun burnt or bruised. Waxing should be performed on healthy skin only.

Waxing removes hair from the root of the shaft and removes a large quantity of hair at a time. It takes about two weeks for hair to grow. With repetitive waxing of hair, you can expect less hair because of permanent damage to the hair follicle.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

C.D.Mohatta writes articles on skin problems, skin treatments and skin care. You can visit Doctor Good Skin for more information about how to have good skin. If you love solving quizzes on personality, relationships and career, you can try hundreds of them at Fun Quiz Cards. For sending free animated flash ecards and greeting cards on topics such as holidays, birthday, love, friendship, family, expressions, celebrations, etc. please visit http://www.ecarduniverse.com/

How to Improve Your Vision Without Surgery Simple Eye Exercises Work Wonders

We all know how important it is to keep our bodies fit. Going to the gym, jogging, and swimming are all on the good for you list of activities. But did you know that you can exercise your eyes as well? Exercising your eyes keeps them healthy, takes away eyestrain, helps you to focus and even improves your vision without surgery.

Exercise 1. Massage

  • First close your eyes tightly for 3-5 seconds, then open them for 3-5 seconds. Repeat this 7 or 8 times.
  • Then close your eyes and massage with circular movements of your fingers for 1-2 minutes. Make sure you press very lightly; otherwise you could hurt your eyes.
  • Press three fingers of each hand against your upper eyelids, hold for 1-2 seconds, then release. Repeat 5 times.
  • Exercise 2. Movement

    Sit and relax. Roll your eyes clockwise, then anticlockwise. Repeat 5 times, and blink in between each.

    Exercise 3. Mark on the glass

    Sit about 50 cm from the window. Make a mark on the glass at your eye level (a small sticker, black or red, would be perfect). Look through this mark and focus on something far away for 10-15 seconds; then focus on the mark again.

    Exercise 4. Follow a pencil

    Hold a pencil in front of you on a length of an arm. Move your arm slowly to your nose, follow the pencil with your eyes until you can keep it in focus. Repeat 10 times.

    Exercise 5. Writing on the wall

    Look in front of you at the opposite wall and pretend that you are writing with your eyes, without turning your head. It seems difficult at the starts, but with a bit of practice it is really fun. The bigger the letters, the better the effect.

    Exercise 6. Watch the time with your eyes

    Imagine that you are standing in front of a really big clock. Look at the middle of the clock. Then look at any hour mark, without turning your head. Look back at the center. Then look at another hour mark. Do this at least 12 times. You can also do this exercise with your eyes closed.

    When doing the exercises, make sure that you're not facing anybody, or else that they know you're doing eye exercises. Otherwise they might think you have gone nuts.

    If you can spare 10-15 minutes a day to do these exercises, it would be very beneficial for the health of your eyes. But it is even more important to do the exercises regularly, than it is to do them for a long time. Even 30-60 seconds of eye movement every hour is very helpful. For example, when your computer takes its sweet time to do something, most people just swear at the poor thing and waste the time, but you can make a few circles with your eyes. Even the first day you do this, you should notice that, when you finished working, your eyes aren't as tired as usual.

    See other simple tips for your eye health

    Tanya Turner is a contact lens expert and a founder of http://www.1-contact-lenses-consumer-guide.com/, where you can find unbiased information about eye health and all types of discount contact lenses with reviews and pictures